The certification body TBBCert of the F&E Technologiebroker Bremen
GmbH carries out adhesive bonding certifications as an independent certification body of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials - Fraunhofer IFAM.
In addition to the area of bonding in rail vehicle construction (DIN 6701 / EN 17460), we also support and certify companies in accordance with
DIN 2304 / ISO 21368 and TL A-0023 (bonding in defense technology)
We have been operating as a certification body since 2006 and have been accredited by the German Accreditation Boddy (DAkkS) in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 since 2017.
In addition to our charming office team, we can rely on 15 internationally active auditors, all of whom have many years of practical experience in bonding technology and are qualified as EAEs and approved by the DIN 6701 / ECARV EN 17460 Bonding Working Group.
All relevant information about certification can be found in the respective chapters on our homepage.