DIN 6701 “Adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and components” is a comprehensive set of rules for quality assurance in the use of adhesive bonding technology in railway vehicle construction and maintenance.
EN 17460 “Railway applications - Bonding of railway vehicles and their components” was published in October 2022 and converts this national standard into a European standard.
During a transitional period until September 2025, both standards can be used in parallel as a basis for certification. Thereafter, certifications must be carried out exclusively on the basis of EN 17460.
Certification according to EN 17460
EN 17460 covers the subject areas of the previous DIN 6701-2 to -4 in one standard:
Certification basis according to EN 17460
The following regulations and documents form the basis for company certification in accordance with EN 17460:
Certification process
The auditing of the company and the subsequent issuing of the certificate is based on the above-mentioned certification principles. An initial overview of the requirements and the certification process can be found in our presentation for initial information.
Applying for certification
Please use the current version of the “Application form EN 17460” to apply for initial certification or recertification (re-certification after expiry of an existing certificate). You can find the application under Documents and links.
After receipt of the complete certification application, you can request our documentation on the EN 17460 certification procedure and our EN 17460 evaluation plan. The document “Certification procedure EN 17460” sets out the principles and conditions for certification as well as the rights and obligations of the certificate holders. The respective evaluation plans reflect the requirements of the EN 17460 standard and form the basis of the audit.
Issuance, publication and use of certificates and certification marks
With successful completion of the certification procedure, the company receives a digital certificate (pdf) in German or English. Furthermore, an entry is made in the “EN 17460 online register”. All valid certificates in accordance with EN 17460 and DIN 6701 are stored here in a central database that can be accessed via the Internet. Only the entry of the certificate in the EN 17460 online register www.en17460.com is recognized as proof of certification and the scope of certification. This must also be taken into account, for example, when checking supplier certificates.
Furthermore, all our certificate holders also receive the right to use our certification mark within the scope of our sign statutes.
Inquiries and offers
We like to inform you about the certification process, provide you with a quote and answer your questions about certification in accordance with EN 17460 / DIN 6701. You can reach us using the following contact details.
Complaints, objections, information and avoidance of discrimination
As an accredited certification body, we have a special obligation to treat all customers and interested parties equally. We also have a documented procedure for dealing with complaints, objections and notices.
In case that you have any complaints, objections or comments, please contact the management of our certification body in writing. We will contact you immediately.
Our accreditation number with the German Accreditation Body DAkkS is D-ZE-20147-01-00, you can view the certificate under Documents and Links.
The certification body is financed by fees that are charged for carrying out the certifications. We do not receive any funding from third parties.